Tyto úhelníky se používají pro spoje dřevo/dřevo, nebo pro připojení dřevěných konstrukcí do betonu, oceli, zdiva

Podrobnosti produktu
Kvalita oceli:
- S250GD+Z275 dle norem DIN EN10346
Ochrana proti korozi:
275 g/m pozinkováno z obou stran cca 20mm
Připojení dřevo/beton
Zatížení ve všech směrech 4
Anwendbare Materialien
Dřevo, dřevěné materiály, beton ,ocel
- Spoje prvků ze dřeva nebo dřevěných materiálů na komponenty vyrobené ze dřeva / dřevěných materiálů nebo betonu / oceli
Technické údaje
Tragfähigkeiten Holz/Holz Anschluss - Vollausnagelung
Art. nr. | Product capacities - Timber to timber - Maximum nailing | |||||
Characteristic capacities - Timber C24 - 2 angle brackets per connection [kN] | ||||||
R1.k | R2.k = R3.k | R4.k = R5,k | ||||
CNA4.0x40 | CNA4.0x60 | CNA4.0x40 | CNA4.0x60 | CNA4.0x40 | CNA4.0x60 | |
AE48 | 2.9 | 4.9 | 4 | 6 | 1.3/kmod^0.25 | 2.0/kmod^0.25 |
AE76 | 5.8 | 9.8 | 11.6 | 15.6 | 2.9/kmod^0.25 | 4.2/kmod^0.25 |
AE116 | 5.8 | 9.8 | 16.6 | 23.2 | 3.2/kmod^0.25 | 4.7/kmod^0.25 |
1) R4/5 is detemined for beam width b = 75 mm and eccentricity e = 130 mm.
The load capacity belongs to a load group with the modification factor kmod.
If the overall structure prevents the rotation of the purlin, the load values R1,k and R2/3,k in an assembly with only one bracket equal to half of the given value in the table
* For higher F2/F3 capacities, Load combination and other nail patterns, refer to ETA-06/0106
Tragfähigkeit Teilausnagelung
Art. nr. | Product capacities - Timber to timber - Partial nailing | |||||||
Upevňovací prvky | Characteristic capacities - Timber C24 - 2 angle brackets per connection [kN] | |||||||
Příruba A | Hlava | R1.k | R2.k = R3.k | R4.k = R5,k | ||||
Množství | Množství | CNA4.0x40 | CNA4.0x60 | CNA4.0x40 | CNA4.0x60 | CNA4,0x40 | CNA4,0x60 | |
AE48 | 4 | 4 | 2.9 | 4.9 | 3.9 | 5.4 | 1.3/kmod^0.25 | 2.0/kmod^0.25 |
AE76 | 7 | 7 | 5.8 | 9.8 | 9.5 | 13.1 | 2.9/kmod^0.25 | 4.2/kmod^0.25 |
AE116 | 8 | 7 | 5.8 | 9.8 | 13.8 | 19.4 | 3.2/kmod^0.25 | 4.7/kmod^0.25 |
1) R4/5 is detemined for beam width b = 75 mm and eccentricity e = 130 mm.
The load capacity belongs to a load group with the modification factor kmod.
If the overall structure prevents the rotation of the purlin, the load values R1,k and R2/3,k in an assembly with only one bracket equal to half of the given value in the table
* For higher F2/F3 capacities, Load combination and other nail patterns, refer to ETA-06/0106
Characteristic capacities - Timber to concrete
Art. nr. | Product capacities - Timber to Concrete | |||||||||
Upevňovací prvky | Characteristic capacities - Timber C24 - 2 angle brackets per connection [kN] | |||||||||
Příruba A | Hlava | R1.k | R2.k = R3.k | R4.k = R5,k | ||||||
Množství | Typ | Množství | Typ | CNA4.0x40 | CNA4.0x60 | CNA4.0x40 | CNA4.0x60 | CNA4,0x40 | CNA4,0x60 | |
AE48 | 6 | CNA* | 1 | M12 | min: 14.9 ; 12.6/kmod | 12.6/kmod | 2.1 | 3.5 | min: 5.2 ; 4.2/kmod^0.7 | 4.2/kmod^0.7 |
AE76 | 9 | CNA* | 1 | M12 | min: 22.7 ; 16.8/kmod | 16.8/kmod | 7.5 | 11.2 | min: 8.5 ; 6.1/kmod | 6.1 / kmod |
AE116 | 12 | CNA* | 2 | M12 | 25.1 | min: 38.1 ; 28.1/kmod | 25.8 | 27.7 | 9,1 / kmod^0.2 | min: 14 ; 10/kmod |
1) R4/5 is detemined for beam width b = 75 mm and eccentricity e = 130 mm.
The load capacity belongs to a load group with the modification factor kmod. The characteristic anchoring strength of the bolt must be minimum 15,3 kN for both withdrawal and shear force. The bearing capacity value for the assembly must be reduced proportionally if the bearing capacities of the bolt is less than 15,3 kN.
If the overall structure prevents the rotation of the purlin, the load values R1,k and R2/3,k in an assembly with only one bracket equal to half of the given value in the table
*For higher F2/F3 capacities, Load combination and other nail patterns, refer to ETA-06/0106